

Naramore艺术展 – 高中摄影


Kate Dutton, 12th Grade, "Crystal Mountain"
Kate Dutton, 12th Grade, “Crystal Mountain”

Artist Statement: This photo was taken up at Crystal Mountain Resort in 华盛顿. I was inspired by the beautiful, white, snowy trees and the almost clear sky. The contrast between the dark trees and white snow created so much more detail for the overall piece. I would love to communicate the beauty there is in nature, specifically the mountains. 

Adam Underhill, 12th Grade, "Secluded Playground"
Adam Underhill, 12th Grade, “Secluded Playground”

Artist Statement: Ansel 亚当斯 inspired the photo because I love the eeriness of his photos, but I wanted to change it up and have a picture with color. I really like this because nobody knows where it was taken, as it looks like such an unreal place. It was taken outside of a ghost town off of a former tourist destination lake that became dangerous to swim in, 所以它被遗弃了. People then came and left a lot of weird things on the lakebed, so I was inspired to take a photo of the swing. I really enjoyed the process of getting to this place to take this photo, and I hope to take more photos like this in the future. The only challenge I have is finding more places like this, but I have a few ideas.

Quinn Carothers, 11th Grade, "Maze Race"
Finn Lepper, 12th Grade, "Desert Dreamscape"
Finn Lepper, 12th Grade, “Desert Dreamscape”
Annacora Ike, 11th Grade, "Edmonds kind of 一天"
Annacora Ike, 11th Grade, “Edmonds kind of 一天”

Artist Statement: The day this photo was taken was one of the smokiest days of 2023. It reflects the horror of the smoke seen from a positive aspect, 展示美而不是伤害, 在悲伤中找到快乐.

Brig Johnson, 12th Grade, "Cliffside Oasis"
Brig Johnson, 12th Grade, “Cliffside Oasis”

Artist Statement: This piece was taken while on a hike at Snoqualmie Falls. I took the photo from the upper observation area, then used Photoshop for editing.
Since the photo was taken during winter and there were a lot of clouds, 我希望这张照片有一种忧郁的感觉. I used Dylan Furst’s editing technique to bring out the highlights and the shadows in the landscape.
I chose to do photography as my medium for this piece because it is something that I am comfortable with, and I like being able to capture the world around me. 我总是随身带着照相机, and photography is a great way for me to capture the world as I am seeing it.

Cole French, 12th Grade, "Mirrored Majesty"
Cole French, 12th Grade, “Mirrored Majesty”

Artist Statement: While I was walking through the trees a lake appeared and showed this peak behind it. 我想 communicate a serene beautiful photo of nature. I like working in the mountains and this is where I feel my best work can come from.  One thing that is hard about shooting in the mountains is that It is far away and I can’t get out there to shoot as often.

Connor Osborn, 12th Grade, "Twilight Slopes"
Connor Osborn, 12th Grade, “Twilight Slopes”

Artist Statement: I was up skiing at Alpental and as I was skiing down, I saw the sun spreading throughout the clouds, I thought it was a pretty cool look and decided to snap a picture. What I like about photography is that you can turn a moment that most people would breeze by into a photograph that people can take time to soak in.  


Ricco Graves, 12th Grade, "Self Portrait"
Ricco Graves, 12th Grade, “Self Portrait”
Gwyneth Hawkins, 12th Grade, "Plaza de España"
Gwyneth Hawkins, 12th Grade, “Plaza de España”
Jeremiah Lewis, 12th Grade, "The Life of Freedom"
Jeremiah Lewis, 12th Grade, “The Life of Freedom”


Aspen Brubaker, 11th Grade, "Tell me to Stay"
Aspen Brubaker, 11th Grade, “Tell me to Stay”
Jonah E Parda-Jay, 10th Grade, "Market Crowd"
Jonah E Parda-Jay, 10th Grade, “Market Crowd”
Jonah Parda-Jay, 10th Grade, "Modernity"
Jonah Parda-Jay, 10年级,“现代性”


Antoine Artigalas, 12th Grade, "Unpublished Magazines"
Antoine Artigalas, 12th Grade, “Unpublished Magazines”
Rowan Dean, 11th Grade, "Red 前 Mountain Fire Lookout"
Rowan Dean, 11th Grade, “Red 前 Mountain Fire Lookout”
亚历克·约翰逊(Alec Johnson), 12年级,“Tethered”
亚历克·约翰逊(Alec Johnson), 12年级,“Tethered”
Chiara Wilcox, 10th Grade, "Looking to Change"
Chiara Wilcox, 10th Grade, “Looking to Change”
Kendall Rogers, 10th Grade, "Heart of the Forest"
Kendall Rogers, 10th Grade, “Heart of the Forest”
Phie Volckmann, 11th Grade, "舞獅 - Lion Dancers"
Phie Volckmann, 11th Grade, “舞獅 – Lion Dancers”


Dylan 布赖恩特, 11th Grade, "Seattle Fish Co."
Dylan 布赖恩特, 11th Grade, “Seattle Fish Co.”

Artist Statement: I was driving around one night and saw the neon sign against the black sky. I always find photos of neon signs really pleasing to look at.


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